Two different pairs of Paper earrings. Both created from paper. Both cut in the same heart shapes, and assembled in the same way.
I created the first pair of red heart shaped earrings from a book. I recycle many books in various forms, and am struck by the beauty of some of the hard covers. The spine of the book is usually a bit thinner and easier to cut with scissors or a craft knife.
To begin with, I cut out a total of 6 heart shapes for the pair of earrings. The glitzy gold came from the title print. The middle brown heart, shows the underside of the spine. The bright red came from a print-free section of the spine. I made a heart shape template, which I traced on the underside of the paper, and then cut it out by hand with scissors.
Finally I assembled the hearts, and glued them together with PVA glue. I used a small hole punch to make a space for the earring findings to be inserted.

I created the second pair in much the same way. Although this time I used packaging material from Kiri Cheese Wedges.
The delicate blue and white floral pattern contrasts beautifully with the underside brown ridges of the cardboard.
All-in-all – a fun and satisfying way to celebrate sustainability and love too!

Beyond Book Spine Paper Earrings
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