About Denise

Denise Kiggan
Denise Kiggan
Denise Kiggan

The vibrant tension between old and new items alongside each other and the surprise of traditional in a contemporary and unexpected way makes me happy. I delight in filling life with hand crafted creations and objects found in obvious and sometimes obscure places.

I was educated as a Home Economist,  have worked in journalism and interior design and owned an eclectic coffee shop. Years ago, I read Edith Schaeffer’s book – Hidden Art.  A defining moment that helped me to realise that I was made in the image of The Maker, and that as I created, I was representing something of God’s creative nature!

From its inception in 2007,  I designed and co-ordinated the making of Freshly Found products.  They made their way to homes  around the world. We supplied private and corporate customers, and participated in  craft markets and the Design Indaba. I documented the making process and have published tutorials and facilitated workshops.

As Freshly Found has evolved, it has transitioned into an inspirational and informative space. While I no longer accept orders, the older blog posts remain as a gallery of memories of the products I once crafted.

I am a coffee snob, an ENFP and an Enneagram type 4.  I love my family and am privileged to be a wife, mom, mom-in-law and granny.

I have a strong sense that I was MADE to MAKE, and love passing that Maker passion on.