Himmeli Geometric Decor

We used recycled materials to create most of the decor for this special event.  We crafted The Himmeli geomteric decor pieces from rolled recyled posters and office paper.  Furthermore we covered tin cans in geometric print to create floral holders.  Then we stitched vertical garlands together from coloured paper triangles. (Thankfully we sourced the paper for the shapes from offcuts from previous projects)

The gorgeous venue was Talloula, up beautiful Bothas Hill in KZN. We snapped some pics as we were setting up for the function.  

The word Himmeli originates from the Finnish word for heaven.  Consequently these ornaments hang above the table over the festive season.  They are traditionally made from straw. They are sometimes crafted from metal tubes.  

The himmeli geometric shapes gave gorgeous height to the setup.  As a result they carried the eye upwards to the beautiful white rafters at the venue.    


My heart sang with delight at the high ratio of recycled materials!  We used papers and tin cans that would otherwise have been discarded,  to create a cheerful vibe.

Himmeli Geometric Decor and Beyond

Freshly Found has other Angular Decor in their archives besides this batch of beauties.

Do you remember these geometric shapes? We created a bunch of pure white decorative shapes for a special function.

We also created these map paper creations with a tutorial.  That means you can make them yourself!

Finally, chat to us if you would like us to re-create decor items for your event.