Linocut Angels

Are you inspried to create your own unique handcrafted decorations for next Christmas?  Begin thinking and planning way in advance, so that the festive season does not catch you unawares.

I have just packed away everything Christmasy in my home, and am ready to embrace the New Year.  But before the memory of the festive season fades, I thought I would share a handcrafted project I did for this past Christmas.


Linocut Angels
Linocut Angels

4 Reasons I crafted these Linocut Lovelies –

1.  Angels are traditional tree decor, but the printing added a unique creative touch.  This was a great opportunity to combine my printing journey with my paper work  skills.

2. Every Christmas I  supply unique handmade decor for Overdale Christmas Tree Farm.

3.  I LOVE to recycle. Consequently this offered a great  opportunity to use good quality old bookprint paper I had on hand. w

4.  The appearing of a host of angels to the unsuspecting shepherds in a field must have been the most awesome moment in their lives.  (Read the Full Story Here)

Linocut Angels
Linocut Angels

DIY Tips – Linocut Angels

1.  Download and Print the Pattern

2.  Trace the pattern onto  lino, then cut out with lino tools

4.  Print the design onto bookprint paper using Lino ink.

5.  Cut out the angel’s body. Glue to join.  I inserted a 2nd paper cone for added strength.

6.  Thread a wooden bead with a string loop.  Tie knots on both sides of the bead to secure.

7.  Use wood glue to attach the bead at the neck and the string tails on the inside too.


Free Pattern

Download and Print

Linocut Angels Pattern 

Linocut Angels Print




Use the linocut design to print other items too.  These are some handy gift bags.

To finish off, add coloured highlights to the floral design with felt tip pens

Do You Need a Bespoke Printing Project Created for Your Business or Special Event?

Linocut Angels

Beyond Linocut Angels

Have you tried our popular environmentally friendly Paper Christmas Tree? 

Search for ‘Christmas” on the website to find a variety of other ways we help you to celebrate the season by making with integrity!