My passion for collecting saris is no secret. I have a huge collection, neatly coiled into shelves in my studio. I have used saris to make bags, to create furoshiki wrapping, to make necklaces and brooches, tablecloths, cushion covers (blue cushions above), curtains, Christmas decorations and more. For the first time this past weekend we used a beautiful long pink bordered sari as a tarpaulin for a special Garden Party.
I am so grateful to live in Durban and have access to these gorgeous second-hand items of traditional clothing. They have survived as an easy-to-wear and flexible garment since ancient times. You can read about the fascinating history of the sari (or saree as it is also known) over here

To make your own Sari Tarpaulin
Attach thick string ties to each corner of the sari. This can be done by:
- threading the string through the sari in the corners with a thick needle or
- over-stitching the thick string to the corners with thinner thread or
- reinforcing the corners and inserting a grommet for taking the thick string.
- tieing a tight knot in the sari fabric over the thick string ties in each corner.
Attach the string ties to trees or a structure in the garden. We used a tree on one side and had to use a ladder for the other. We used tent pegs and cord to anchor the ladder into the ground to stop it from toppling over, and secured a rod to the top of the ladder, slightly wider than the sari to take the string ties.
Hint – We intertwined some small shrub branches around the ladder to soften its appearance
Hint – Even small gusts of wind can turn the sari into a powerful kite, so make sure everything is well secured.