by freshlyfound | Jul 2, 2015 | crochet, DIY, recycled, tutorial, wedding
These soda vases are a great way to re-cycle glass bottles. They are covered in a simple parcel string crochet. The string can be left plain or dip dyed to create a gradient of colour. (You can create this yourself with the free crochet pattern at the end of the...
by freshlyfound | May 26, 2014 | corporate, Events, installations, wedding
Friday night was the relaunch of Tammy Frazer’s Parfum Shop. It was a delight to make up origami lilies from Crane’s Crest 100% cotton paper for the event. Frazer Parfum is a bespoke creative perfume house working only with high quality natural raw...
by freshlyfound | Mar 19, 2014 | inspiration, jewelery, recycled, thread
I made these button bracelets for myself. I did not want the buttons to be the star of the show, rather the pattern formed by the thread as it dipped in and out of the button holes. I hope to try out some more and document the process. Update –...
by freshlyfound | Apr 19, 2011 | decor, Fabric and textiles, inspiration
If you follow me on Pinterest, you will realise that I am quite interested in Shibori – the Japanese way of dyeing cloth. This past weekend I tried some of the techniques out on a few vintage cloths and new dish towels. It was a good learning...