Here some vintage tablecloths make pretty pillow covers, with no cutting and minimal sewing.
 I have used these covers in my guest room as a decorative and useful way to store spare pillows.
If you would like to make one yourself, you will need:Vintage Linen Recycled
1 embroidered tablecloth approximately 82cm X 82cm [32in X 32in]
  • 1 zip approximately 55cm [22in] long
  • 1 pillow – the one I used was  45cm X 70cm [18in X28in].
Fold the table-cloth neatly in half, right sides together.with the fold at the bottom and the edges at the top.  Centre and mark the position of the pillow. [Measure the width of the tablecloth [82cm], and deduct the width of the pillow [70cm] .  Divide this amount [12cm]in half. This will give you the measurement for placement of the side seams in from the edge of the tablecloth.]  Mark this stitching line.  Centre the zip on the top edge.

Vintage Linen Recycled

Vintage Linen RecycledMark the beginning and end of the zip.  Place a pin at these points.
Stitch from the edge of the tablecloth to the pin.  Back stitch to secure. cut off the thread.
Repeat of the other side, stitching from the pin to the edge.  Pin the right side of the zipper to the right side of the seam allowance for the zip.
Stitch all the way down the one side of the zip.  Then turn around an begin stitching the second side of the zip.
On both sides of the zip, as you are stitching, you will have to stop just before you reach the zip head, lift the pressure foot, close or open the zip, to get the head out of the way, then continue stitching.This is what the zip will look like once attached.
Turn the right sides out.  Position the zip in the centre, if you want the pattern on the front centred,
or position the zip at the base.  This is the way I may this cover.  Now stitch the side seams on the right side.  This will form an Oxford-type border.
Finish off neatly, and insert the pillow.  The pillow cover will be a little smaller than the pillow, which will result in a nice firm fit.
The exciting point about this is that the table-cloth is not damaged, and can be unpicked and restored to its former life.  Enjoy!!! And let me know if you try it out

Vintage Linen Recycled – beautifully!