by freshlyfound | Sep 23, 2017 | art, design projects, exhibit, lighting, paper craft
I grew up in a home with my mom being passionate about puzzles. I have memories of her dining room table being filled bit-by-bit with the evolving image of a landscape, country-side scene or a map. They’ve kept her company, even now in the late years of her...
by freshlyfound | Dec 2, 2014 | design projects, Fabric and textiles, jewelery
A new range of textile jewelry pendants have been in the making – Rescued pieces of vintage embroidery have been mounted as pendants and framed and hung with a delicate cord of twisted cotton I love the fact that beautiful handwork on stained or forgotten...
by freshlyfound | Jun 24, 2014 | Fabric and textiles, inspiration, Japanese, jewelery
Japanese styled fabric flower necklace created from local vintage sari fabric. Threaded with a hand-twisted cotton cord and finished off with touches of crochet. Kanzashi Necklace – Available as a Boutique Limited Edition option from Freshly Found More colour...