Gentle bright and warm apple colours for these indigenous flowers. This was the theme for this batch of proteas. Cheerful and yet comforting. Made from new and some recycled papers in the new Freshly Found Protea design. This was a commission from a good friend. She is using them as a decor item in her living room.
I used a mixtue of brown craft paper, and white and coloured project board to make the petal rtounds. The fringed centre was created from brown paper.

Apple coloured proteas do occur in nature for real. But not the warm red and yellows of these apples. At leat 2 indigenous flowers are noted. The Australian Protea Coronata is as green as a Granny Smith Apple. It’s quite remarkable. The rare and vulnerable South African Protea Angustata has apple green colouring.
We have a passion for recreating indigenous flowers from various papers. Proteas are our favouirte. But we’ve made strelitzias and agapanthus too!