This is the story of the chopstick origami lilies!

I think chopsticks make much better flower stems that eating utensils!  This is purely my personal belief because I battle to use them in any way that is significantly satiating to my hunger!

Here we used these wooden stems with traditional origami lilies to make a bunch of light fun flowers.

We also used some instruction book paper, and coloured the edges lightly by dipping them in blue ink.  This contrast nicely with the touch of cerise pink tissue paper at the base of the blooms.

Have fun making some up for yourself☺

Here’s an in-depth photo tutorial:

How to make the Chopstick Origami Lilies

You will need:

A square of book paper
A couple of small pieces of coloured tissue paper
Blue Ink
A chopstick
Masking tape
Wood glue 

The pictures will guide you through the steps of making up the origami lily, dyeing the edges in some diluted blue ink, mounting the lily on the chopstick and then rolling the petals.Chopstick Origami Tut
Chopstick Origami Tut

Chopstick Origami Tut  Chopstick Origami Tut
 Chopstick Origami Tut
Chopstick Origami Tut Chopstick Origami Tut Chopstick Origami Tut
Chopstick Origami Tut
Chopstick Origami Tut Chopstick Origami Lilies
We’ve made Origami Lilies before.  This bunch were made for a corporate launch event