The Intellectual Property Exhibition opens tonight at the KZNSA Art Gallery in Bulwer Road, Durban. Freshly Found is so excited to be a part of this exhibition. I’ve been working on and off for most of the year so far on this floral piece – named Flower Fables as a reference to the high percentage of book papers that have been used in its creation. The recycled book, map, envelope and backing papers have been hand cut, folded and coloured with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint.
Photographing the bowl of blooms was extra poignant for me, as we’ve sold our home and have begun the long packing up process in earnest. I felt very sentimental as I placed these flowers in the beautiful garden I have lived with for the past 22 years. Even in mid winter, it manages to look beautiful.
Come to the opening at the gallery tonight – 17h00 for 17h30. See you there

” Umcebo Trust, in partnership with Woza Moya & Friends are proud to announce the Intellectual Property 2015 Exhibition, which is the second in the Intellectual Property series of events.
The aim of the exhibition is to bring together some of the brightest and most creative people and projects in Kwa-Zulu Natal in a display of up-cycled, re-cycled and re-worked design.
The Exhibtion will take place at the KZNSA Gallery in Bulwer Road, Glenwood, Durban from 21 July to 15 August 2015″