With our newly laid cement finish floor, we have had add some modern touches to our home. We are painting the walls a warm grey [Plascon – Evasive White] Our pastel art work was framed in a gold frame which looked a little too bright and dated. This is how I transformed it onto a trendier silver: I removed the frame from the picture and cleaned it with a damp cloth.

I bought Baroque Art Gilders Paste in Silver from my local paint shop. They have a very informative websight, which was a great help to me!

I dabbed a dry brush in the paste and worked it onto the frameYou can use your finger or a soft cloth, but I found the brush worked best for me, getting into all the corners.I finished 1 side of the frame at a time before moving onto the next.When the frame was complete, I waited about 12 hours before buffing it up with a soft cloth to make it a little shinier.

I am so pleased with the result! The Mirror in the entrance hall is about to have it’s frame transformed too!