Freshly Found was there! Thanks to The Highway Mail for mentioning Freshly Found’s presence at the launch of the SPCA Kloof Golden Paw Society.  The theme of the event was recycling, which is where we fitted in.

I am so grateful to charities like the SPCA for the service they provide for recycling businesses like Freshly Found.

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while I was there, I snapped some pics of the delightful venue.  Pop over to the Freshly Found Durban Blog to read about Marilyn’s Tea House at The SPCA


The Kloof and Highway SPCA launched their Golden Paw Society on 29 May at their premises in an attempt to get the community more involved and more aware about what goes on at the SPCA.
Barbara Patrick, manager of the Kloof and Highway SPCA said, “Our first priority is to get to know our community and get them to know more about us. We rely on the support of our community for finances and their time to help us.”
Marketing manager, Barbara Laubscher also emphasised the importance of getting the community involved. “We have a small staff and we need the community to become part of our family. We need the community to be our eyes and ears to report animal cruelty. There are also ways you can be involved however small from collecting coins, to donating clothing and items for the Village Green shops to spreading the good work of the SPCA to family and friends.”
The Golden Paw Society meetings will take place on the last Thursday of the month. The meetings are a way of providing feedback to the community about the SPCA’s latest projects, getting the community involved in the SPCA and letting the public get to know the faces behind the SPCA.
If you would like to become involved, contact Barbara Laubscher on 031 764 1212/3.

SPCA Kloof Golden Paw Society