What a delight to work collaboratively with my friend and local Durban Artist – Lesley Magwood Fraser.  The project began when Lesley delivered a pile of spare paintings and drawings to my home.  I cut them up and folded them into Paper Strelitzia Blooms.  I added some recycled book paper elements as a contrast to the drawings.

We have worked together before!  The paper proteas from her recent art exhibition SOLD OUT!

Although the same pattern is used for each paper strelitzia, the outcome is always different.  The outcome depends on which piece of artwork is used.  As a result, this is re-cycling on a very vibrant and cultured scale!  

It’s been a joy to resurrect the Freshly Found paper strelitzia design.   Originally they debuted at the Design Indaba some years ago.  Sometimes we make them up from packaging materials.  They make vibrant wedding buttonholes, gift decor and more

The petals are created from pleated paper and the stems are covered in re-cycled twisted tissue paper.

Finally, we love to create representations of indigenous flowers and other paper products.  If you are a business or private  client, chat to us.  We may be able to re-use paper that is relevant to you – all the more exciting!

Contact us if you would like us to create something similar for you!

Random Fact –

We have a miniature version of the real thing growing here in my garden in Kloof. Unfortunately, I don’t often get to see these strelitizas though.  A troop of monkeys enjoy regular visits to our garden.  Sadly,  they  find them delicious and love to eat them for lunch.